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Body & Mind – I

Body & Mind – I

Body & Mind – I  My last few articles have focused on independence and mobility, specifically ways to be physically independent. Today I am initiating a series on ways to remain “mentally independent”. Memory loss is a taboo subject, but with the graying of...
No Need to Stand

No Need to Stand

No Need to Stand   Last summer I began having problems with my shoulder. After exhausting all home remedies, including rest and copious amounts of Ibuprofen, I finally broke down and saw an orthopedic surgeon. His diagnosis was a “frozen shoulder”. Thankfully I...


Joan | Dallas, TX 1.) Your birthdate? 11/12/1951 2.) Birthplace? Columbia, MO 3.) Parents (first) names and profession? Joy and Jim / Court Reporter and business owner 4.) Siblings (first name), and birth order? Meredith/younger 5.) Fondest childhood memory(s)? Going...
Life Time Fun

Life Time Fun

Two weeks ago, I wrote about independence and last week talked about the connection between mobility, independence, and health. Today, I’m continuing along those same lines discussing moderate exercise, specifically “life sports” in which most seniors can participate....

Barbara & Walter

Barbara & Walter | Ft. Worth, TX 1)   Your birthdate? Barbara:   March 21, 1930 Walter:   August 7, 1927 2)  Birthplace? Barbara:   Chicago, Ill. Walter:   Oak Park, Ill., a suburb of Chicago 3)  Parents names and work? Barbara:  Father: William – High school...