Joan | Dallas, TX
1.) Your birthdate? 11/12/1951
2.) Birthplace? Columbia, MO
3.) Parents (first) names and profession? Joy and Jim / Court Reporter and business owner
4.) Siblings (first name), and birth order? Meredith/younger
5.) Fondest childhood memory(s)? Going fishing with my father.
6.) The biggest change(s) for the best you remember? Growing from relationships with people I have had the opportunity to meet.
7.) (First) Name(s) of spouse and number of children? John
No children, but a lot of second cousins.
8.) Things you miss the most? My grandparent’s farm. Sharing a horse with my cousins.
9.) What you hope for the country or world, your children and family? That our country would live up to the opportunity of being a free people under our constitution. For a future with the hope that we can be who we were created to be by God.
10.) Your Profession/Occupation? Banking
11.) First job you ever held? Temporary office worker.
12.) What was your hourly pay? Not much.
13.) Favorite job and why? Helping care for my cousin’s 3 foster children and my elderly aunt.
It was something I could do to help them.
14.) Least favorite job and why? Working as a cashier at a hotel restaurant. The manager’s bossy daughter also worked there and I needed the job.
15.) Schools you attended? Highland Park, Brevard Jr. College
16.) Favorite subjects? English, History
17.) Least favorite subjects? Biology.
18.) Favorite place you’ve lived and why? Corpus Christi – We lived near Oso Bay and Padre Island.
19.) Favorite President? President Trump
20.) Least favorite President? President Obama
21.) Fondest childhood memory(s)? Climbing trees. Watching birds come to the feeder on the deck at my grandparent’s house.
22.) Best invention during your lifetime? Digital cameras.
23.) Worst invention during your lifetime? I-Phones. People seem to live in virtual worlds created by this technology and don’t talk as much as they used to with each other.
24.) What event impacted you the most, making you the person you are today? Surviving a major automobile accident. I’m grateful for being mobile and other things I used to take for granted. Living in the aftermath has created a desire in me to be closer to God, and to do what I can with my life for Him.
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